Rates and Packages.
Built to accommodate your needs.
Our hourly service rate is $70/hour for residential customers, and $95/hour for business customers.
Billing is calculated in 30 minute increments. We also offer the following flat-rate packages (residential customers only):
Anti-Virus Removal - $140
- Free pick-up and delivery of your computer
- Back up your important files to a thumb drive*
- Remove all viral and malware infections
- Resolve any OS instability issues caused by the infection
- Install the latest OS security updates
- Install virus / malware protection software**
- Configure Monthly Maintenance Package
- Optimize system for improvement in overall performance
* Optional. Thumb drive sold separately
** Based on customer preference
New Computer Set-Up - $125
- Physically install computer, and connect all of your devices (monitor, printer, digital camera, etc.)
- Configure your devices with the computer
- Remove factory-installed trial software
- Install software programs determined by the computer's intended use*
- Install virus / malware protection software*
- Move your important files from the old computer to the new computer
- Install latest OS security updates
- Setup Internet, and Email accounts
- Setup remote access*
- Setup Cloud backup*
- Configure Monthly Maintenance Package
- Optimize system for improvement in overall performance
* Based on customer preference
System Tune-Up - $100
- Clean system with an anti-static vacuum
- Remove any unwanted software
- Update commonly used programs to the latest version
- Install latest OS security updates
- Configure Monthly Maintenance Package
- Analyze system for possible bottlenecks (hardware & software)
- Optimize system for improvement in overall performance
Reformat / Reinstall - $160
- Free pick-up and delivery of your computer
- Clean unit with anti-static vacuum
- Backup and restore your important files
- Erase hard drive, and install Operating System*
- Install latest OS security updates
- Install virus / malware protection software**
- Reinstall software programs*
- Setup remote access**
- Setup Cloud backup**
- Configure Monthly Maintenance Package
- Optimize system for improvement in overall performance
* Install CD and product key provided by customer
** Based on customer preference
Wireless Network Installation - $100
- Install and configure wireless router*
- Secure and ecrypt wireless network
- Configure up to 10 WiFi capable devices to use the wireless network
- Provide step-by-step documentation on how to connect new devices to your WiFi
* Router sold separately